Affiliate Information Centimo

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Do you want to collaborate with Centimo and generate extra income every month. Become a Centimo partner and earn money with your website.

Sign up for our partner program and earn up to 10% commision for every sold product. This can add up very quickly and provide a nice income! 

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How does it work?

You can register as a seller with our affiliate program. After approving your registration (your website is checked for quality and relevance) you can use the promotional material that is offered by us.

You earn up to 10% commission when a visitor arrives at the Centimo webshop and places an order via the promotional materials you placed on your website. It couldn’t be easier!

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Who can Join?

Anyone with a website, app or blog is welcome to become a Partner of the Partner Program. Our partners have discovered the convenience of making extra money, including:

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