Floral glue
Floral glue is a water based product. With our glue you can get any fabric on flowers, plants and foliage. Do not use normal glue!! This will damage the flowers.

Glue for flowers
There are many types of adhesives on the market. Only one is suitable for all types of fresh cut flowers, foliage and potted plants. This is because the chemicals in the glue damage and / or close the stomata, causing the treated surface to die or dry out. The thinner and more sensitive the surface to which the glue sticks, the greater the damage that occurs.
The Centimo floral glue is perfect for gluing both fresh and artificial floral materials. The glue is water-based and therefore not harmful for flowers. It is heat and solvent resistant and cleans with water. Centimo floral glue ensures a healthy product in which the stomata remains adamant.
The glue is suitable for gluing glitter to flowers and plants. It provides strong initial adhesion and it dries quickly and transparant.
It is important not to use normal glue on flowers, plants or foliage. Because otherwise the flowers will damage.
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The Glitter kit
The glitter kit contains 9 different colors of glitter and a handy floral glue spray from our assortiment. All the glitters are suitable for flowers and plants. Try it out and discover glitter on flowers.